Tuesday, January 4, 2011

01/03/11 WOD

As part of my blogolution I said I would start posting my WODs.  Yesterday's was pretty difficult considering I've spent the past two weeks eating junk and not working out.

01/03/11 WOD
AML(?)AP 10 minutes
1 - 5 Ladders of 105# Hang Squat Cleans
You had 10 minutes to do as many ladders as possible.  A 1 - 5 ladder means you do one hang squat clean and can put the bar down.  Then do two and you can put the bar down, three and put the bar down, etc.  Sounds simple, gets pretty rough.
I completed 3 ladders and set three of the fourth.

Cleans are kinda my wheelhouse.  I love cleans, even squat cleans.  I love that it's technical and I can still make my body figure it out.  I love that it's explosive and fast.  My back was really starting to get really tight as we headed towards the end of the wod.

50 Toes to Bar (Mine don't look nearly this pretty)
50 GHD sit ups

Can't remember my time.

My grip started to go first on the toes to bar (as in I dropped off the bar at 49!), other than that they felt pretty good.  When I have high rep chippers like this I give myself a rep goal to reach each time.  So I'll say to myself "OK, get to 12 and you can shake your arms out and chalk up."  
Onto GHD sit ups.  I don't like to go full range of motion on these because of my back.  I go close, but my back doesn't like to hyper extend too far.  GHD sit ups are a fun movement, it's fast and aggressive, but you can get dizzy quickly and you need to build reps up so you don't get rhabdo.

This morning I'm a little sore, but not nearly as sore as I expected.  I can cough and laugh without pain.  My traps are hardly sore at all.  Maybe it's because I actually slept last night.

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